Thursday, September 24, 2009


We have 32 members signed up for BIGGEST LOSER ! Yeah! We already had one week of weigh ins with some awesome weight loss the first week! Good luck to all of you!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The second season of Biggest Loser at Curves Bentonville is almost here! First weigh in is Wednesday, September 16th. It costs $10 to enter. You must weigh in at least 6 times during the contest. A lst and 2nd place winner will be declared by the highest percentage of pounds lost. The winnings will be divided between lst and 2nd place 60/40. The last weigh in day is Tuesday, November 24th. Let the competition begin................

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We had 52 people who were still on the island the last week of July! I was totally amazed and very excited at how many managed to overcome all kinds of obstacles to stay on the Island. The one that I was amazed at the most went to Curves in Maui 5 times (you know who you are Sue)!
Karen Morton and Elyse Sunderman were the two lucky winners of $50.00 each but everyone got the special prize of getting to keep their Island Girl! Last but not least a special thank you to Karen Dawson for her contribution to the Island Girl attire (specially the life preservers)!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Third Week of Survivor

Welcome to all of you who are looking for those answers that will keep you on the island one more week! This has been great fun and thank you to all of you for being such good sports!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We are going to play SURVIVOR!!!! Your first challenge is to get on the Island. The way to get on the island is to workout a minimum of 3 times either the week of June 22nd or June 29th (a travel pass will work also).

Once you are on the island the real fun begins. Our SURVIVOR CHALLENGE begins Monday, July 6th and will run for 4 weeks. Each Thursday we will post the challenges for the next week. Every challenger left on the Island at the end of 4 weeks will receive a prize and 2 lucky surviviors will be drawn to each receive $50.00!!! Let the fun begin!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

BIGGEST LOSER RESULTS - 226 total pounds lost

CONGRATULATIONS TO STEPHANIE BLOOD - Stephanie was our winner of the Biggest Loser Contest coming in at 9.61% of pounds lost!!!! WAY TO GO STEPHANIE!!. Jaymie Newman, Sara Berg and Amanda Noe came in 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. The most awesome thing is that everyone participating lost a total of 226 lbs. Give yourself a big pat on the back!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Temporary Lapse

Sorry, we had a temporary lapse in blogging due to the fact that I've been so unbelievably busy:) Thank you to all Curves Members and New Members for making the last 3 months so incredible. The energy that we have flowing through Curves is just awesome and you would have to be there to believe it. We set another record last Monday - 67! Also set a Wednesday record of 63!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Yesterday was a milestone for us! We had 60 members workout yesterday!!!! That's the most members working out in one day since I bought the club. I'm so excited and I want to thank all of you for making that happen. Now I'm working toward 75!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


We had our first Phase 3 class Saturday morning and I'm happy to say that we had some successes!!! Those ladies need to give themselves a big pat on the back! For those of us that maybe didn't quite reach our goal, we too, need to be proud of our determination to keep trying. Because if we don't give up, we will ultimately success.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's Time to Win the Game

Have you ever noticed what an important role motivation plays in the competitiveness of sports teams. Those teammates are constantly knocking each other on their helmets, yelling into each others faces, and going ballistic after good plays. Is there something that we can learn from those guys?

I'm not suggesting that we start slapping each other every time we lose half a pound, but I do think we should look at how football players break up their overall goal of winning the game into many little mini-goals, and what they do to re-focus after every single play. For example, if you wanted to lose a certain number of pounds in 2009, you should break up your yearly goal into 12 smaller monthly goals and then focus on each one of them separately. This approach will not only make your ambitions see more manageable but it will also give you more instant gratification. How about taking that a step further - to weekly and daily goals (working out at least 3 times a week, drinking 8 glasses a water a day, etc.)